We completed the HBB training today with the 2nd group. At the end of the course we had a closing ceremony. One of the doctors from Togo’s Ministry of Health attended and spoke. I was invited to speak as well, since I am designated the medical director of these courses. I thanked the participants for their hard work and thanked the Ministry of Health, the Pediatric Society and UNICEF for their support. I told them that each participant would be receiving a bag and mask, stethoscope, suction bulb, a CD with all of the course materials and a printout of all the course materials.
Then each facility will receive a bag with a teaching kit which includes the same materials as well as the resuscitation manequin, the flipchart, and about 25 manuals.
I explained that these materials are purchased with money from the Humanitarian Fund of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Individual members of the Church throughout the world, donate to this fund because of our belief that each of us is a child of God and that, as the Lord taught, we should love one another. For that reason, we want to help the mothers and babies of Togo and other developing countries through Helping Babies Breathe and Helping Mothers Survive.