Today we taught our first "Helping Mothers Survive" course. The training is simulator-based and is designed for frontline providers in countries with high burdens of maternal mortality. This was the first time that this curriculum has been taught by LDS Humanitarian Services in Togo, and one of the first times it has been taught in Africa.
The focus of "Helping Mothers Survive" is how to treat bleeding after birth. The number one cause of maternal mortality worldwide is postpartum hemorrhage. Maternal mortality in Togo is estimated to be 368 deaths per 100,000 live births, whereas in the U.S. it is estimated to be 21 deaths per 100,000 live birth and in Estonia it is 2 deaths per 100, 000 live births.
Today we trained eleven midwives and doctors who will travel with us to Atakpamé and help teach 100 midwives from that region this coming week.
Our hope and prayer is that this training will help these maternal health care workers broaden their skills to save lives.
To see the steps we teach visit: